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Looking For A Solution To Your Plantar Fasciitis Or Heel Pain?

 Foot Corner are experts in Plantar Fasciitis Care

Open: Monday - Thursday 8am-6pm, Friday - Saturday 8am-4pm

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If you’ve got Plantar Fasciitis, stiffness or an ache – it is very tempting to think that it’s nothing, that it will go away on its own. 

You might pass it off as having just worn the wrong shoes, or that it’s just a 'ache' or a bit of stiffness that 'everyone' your age suffers from.

There’s no obvious reason why it happened – but it doesn’t seem to be shifting, and it has been there a good while now.

If that’s happening to you, you are not alone – and we hear this type of thing all the time. In fact, long term Plantar Fasciitis is the most common problem that we see in Foot Corner.

Free Report: 

“Avoid Costly Mistakes And Learn 5 Top Tips to Help Ease Plantar Fasciitis At Home Today”


Learn 5 different ways to ease Heel Pain. Even if you have suffered for months or years and your doctor told you nothing could be done to help!

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Unfortunately, Plantar Fasciitis can get worse if left untreated. Your gait can change which can cause problems with rest of the feet, knees, the hips and even the back.

If you are experiencing heel pain or discomfort, it is important that you are diagnosed correctly, and you start your treatment as soon as possible.

At Foot corner, our Podiatrist will ask you some key questions that will give a history of your pain.
We will look at your footwear, so be sure to bring your usual shoes with you. You may be prescribed a course of treatments which include foot mobilisation, strapping, strengthening and stretching exercises and shockwave therapy. If your heel  pain is caused by a biomechanical abnormality, orthotics can be prescribed to correct the underlying problem.

At your appointment you will be given a treatment plan, which will be your guide to recovery.

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5 Reasons To Choose Foot Corner

  1. You Get Our Money Back Guarantee of Satisfaction. (If you’re not 100% satisfied with your appointment you don’t have to pay.) Terms & Conditions
  2. You Can Book Online 24/7 Right From Your Phone
  3. You Can Get A Late Appointment Or Seen On Saturday……No Need To Take Time Off Work.
  4. You Can Take Up Our Of Offer A Free Phone Consult With Our Podiatry Team Before You Arrive If You Are Unsure If We Can Help You.
  5. You Get Treated By Medics Who Specialise In Feet Only, So They KNOW Whats Needed To Get You Back On Your Feet.

Frustrated With Your Heel Pain?


  • Don't Know Where To Go

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    Fill Our The Form And Speak To One Of Our Highly Qualified Team Today


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15 Church Parade
Church Road
TW15 2TX

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